Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's now time to be mature...and laugh hysterically at 9iu11ani!!!

Yes, friends, it's true. Even though Fox News did *everything they could* to make Rudy 9iu11ani look like America's super hero..."America's Manly Mayor" couldn't get elected America's dog catcher. He's on his way out, just like the man the media described as "sexy" and "virile", Grandpa Fred Thompson.

The Republican race is now down to McCain, Romney and Huckabee. Yes, that's right 9iu11ani and Thompson supporters...your super-hero, ultra-conservative fools couldn't stand up to these three people that so many Republicans hate so much.

Yes, Republicans call him John McKennedy - and think he's a moron because he tries to find solutions and believes in global warming. And he beat 9iu11ani and Thompson.

Yes, Republicans hate Mitt Flop Romney because of his Mormon religion. (Full disclosure...not all Republicans hate based on religion...but enough to stop Mitt from winning the nomination). And he beat 9iu11ani and Thompson.

Yes, Republicans thought they'd love Huckabee, because of his hyper-religiousness, and his desire to isolate gays from society. But then, Huckabee talked about all the Christian values, not just the discriminatory two-thirds of the Republican party hated on him, too. And he still beat 9iu11ani and Thompson.

But, perhaps the best part of this story is Ron Paul. Now, for the RonPaulicans - I personally like him. However, the Republican party hated him, and laughed him off the stage every time they could.

Let's see how Ron Paul compared to the foolish 9iu11ani and Thompson:


IOWA: Thompson wins
WYOMING: Thompson wins
MICHIGAN: Paul wins
NEVADA: Paul wins
SOUTH CAROLINA: Thompson wins

That's right 3 wins each. You all laughed Ron Paul off the stage every chance you got, and the best your super, sexy, virile candidate could do was tie him, before going home to take a nap.


IOWA: Paul wins
NEW HAMPSHIRE: 9iu11ani wins
MICHIGAN: Paul wins
NEVADA: Paul wins
SOUTH CAROLINA: 9iu11ani wins
FLORIDA: 9iu11ani wins

That's right, again, 3 wins each. As ridiculous as you thought Ron Paul was, "America's super hero mayor" could only tie Ron Paul, before having to drop out to better focus his time and energy on making his career and millions of dollars off of the deaths of thousands of Americans lying dead in his own streets.

Republicans - you deserve the choice between McCain, Huckabee and Romney.

Have a *GREAT* Super Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

If the major news networks wanted to , they could frame this as Ron Paul destroyed Giulliani's chances of being President. But they don't even want to mention his name. CNN hates him just as much as Fox. Ron Paul is not that bad in my book. But damn he ain't no Chavez to be getting that kind of "special" treatment!

Ivan said...

::plays 'Celebrate' by Rare Earth::

What do you think about John Edwards dropping out? Will his voters shift towards Billary or Obama?