Monday, February 11, 2008

Republican Answer To "Yes We Can"...

This new video going around best encapsulates why Obama and Clinton need to come together and form a ticket.

A while ago, I told you that as Obama told us that, "Yes We Can"...

Republicans would have a lot more pessimistic message.

Here it is. :)

Head over to my blog to leave your comments!

"Hillbama"...Come Together, Right Now

This is an absolutely amazing video right now. This election is very important...our problems are huge. The Democrats cannot afford to fight a bitter, brutal fight at the convention, giving John McCain the third term for the Bush Administration.

We have two *great* candidates.

This fight is starting to get more hostile and bitter between the *supporters*. The longer this goes on, the harder it will be for the supporters of the losing candidate to back the nominee.

Howard Dean said: "The idea that we can afford to have a big fight at the convention and then win the race in the next eight weeks, I think, is not a good scenario." He continued, pointing out that if one of them didn't wrap up the nomination by the middle of spring, he would "get the candidates together and make some kind of an arrangement."

Why wait?!? Spread this video around, and send the message to Hillary and Obama...

Come together.

Right now.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hey Democrats - The First Thing You Can Do To Help Win The White House In November...

Okay, so here's the first bit of action we Democrats can do to help win the general election in November. Whether your supporting Clinton, Obama, Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton...surely you can spend about 92 seconds on this simple at-home-action to help *whoever* the Democrats are in November.

You know we're up against some wild-eyed conservatives this month. You know...the kinds that have drug-induced panic attacks on your AM radio stations. The kind that say, George Bush is too liberal.

The discontent in the Republican party over their nominee is priceless. And, as we continue to work out our primary, we should do our part to encourage the heart burn Republicans are having.

The "George Bush is a liberal" Limbaugh-natics have started a great website at This website lists a bunch of reasons that John McCain isn't conservative enough to be President (things like: he doesn't want to torture children of immigrants, he only wants to be in Iraq for 100 years, he didn't want to change the tax code to require the poor pay for the electricity bills of Wall Street mansions...that type of stuff).

AND - they have a formal-sounding "petition" to send to the Republican party. They want you to print it off, and mail it in to the Republican National Committee.

Who knows how many people they will actually get. But, let's do our part. Head over to No Way McCain, and print off their petition. Mail it in.

Hell, print off a few! Sign your name. Sign your sister's name. Sign George Bush's name. Hell, take a stand of solidarity, and sign the name of an illegal immigrant.

92 seconds to stir up this Republican remorse?

It's worth it.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

This Is How A *RESPONSIBLE* News Organization Does It...

You may have heard some noise about MSNBC getting smacked around by the Clinton campaign. Hillary Clinton has called out MSNBC for showing a pattern of unbalanced commentary. Tucker repeatedly talks about crossing his legs when he sees Hillary. Chris Matthews says Hillary is only anything because her husband cheated on her. On and on and on.

Now, I'm not a Hillary supporter. And I love MSNBC. So don't think I'm playing Hillary's music for her.

Then, Thursday, David Shuster says that the Clinton campaign is pimping out their daughter.

Now, it's clear to everyone that David Shuster did not literally mean that they are selling their daughter for sex, in exchange for campaign contributions. No one (except maybe Limbaugh-natics) would hear that. But it was a poor comment, in poor taste. And there are connotations behind the word "pimping", which is why David picked those words.

MSNBC did the responsible thing, and publicly apologized, then suspended David Shuster. He's not fired, and he'll still have a job. But he did receive appropriate job action.

MSNBC also dropped Don Imus from their morning show, and replaced him with conservative Joe Scarborough.

Hey, Republicans....this is how a *responsible* news organization does it.

Maybe Fox could take notice.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Hillary Boycotts MSNBC...but not Fox?!?

This is interesting news. The Hillary Clinton campaign is making a big deal out of recent comments by MSNBC's David Shuster that he Clinton campaign is "pimping out" Chelsea Clinton. Shuster has since apologized for his (obviously) poor choice of words.

This is on top of a few weeks ago, Chris Matthews claiming that Hillary's Senate career was made possible, in part, due to her grace under fire during Bill's affairs. (He was much less eloquent the first time)

So, in response, Hillary Clinton is saying she will not debate Obama on MSNBC.

Which, I think is fine, if Hillary wants to make a stand on principles.

But then, why in the hell is she trying to get a debate on Fox News???

Could it be that one (or both?) of these is a bit of a political game?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

250 Liberal McCain Facts? Let's Help Republicans Celebrate!

Hi friends

If you haven't gotten out to enjoy the collapse of talk-radio-haters power in politics, make sure to do it. The best thing to do is remind psycho-conservatives that if they hadn't tramped around between sleep Fred Thompson and 9/11-Loving 9iu11ani before falling into Romney...McCain wouldn't be the nomineee. All of this, mind you, is because they were too Republican to get beyond his religion. It's a sad commentary on the Republican party.

So, I've been thinking of ways to help Republicans celebrate their great nominee. John McKennedy. Author of McCain/Feingold.

Endorsed by Leiberman, 9iu11ani and Schwarzenegger.

Their global-warming-believing, amnesty-supporting, gun-show-stopping, Rumsfeld-hating, campaign-finance-reforming, gay-hate-crime-opposing Republican nominee. :)

There are 271 days between now and election day. Perhaps, I could start a 250-day list of 250 liberal facts about John McCain?

Or, perhaps, a constant reminder that John McCain doesn't support stoning gays at the Republican convention?

(After, of course, every Republican flies into the Twin Cities airport, and takes a little stop at Larry Craig's bathroom. Oh, Larry Craig will be there, by the way.)

Hit me back with some's going to be a long ride to sending McCain back to Arizona to actually treat immigrants like the children of god.

(Republicans hate doing that.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Howard Dean: "I Will End This Election..."

In 2004, I did everything I can to help Howard Dean rise from an asterix in the polls, to front-runner status. While he eventually only won the primary in Vermont, it was the Dean campaign that re-energized a defeated Democratic Party, and the rank and file Democrats demanded he become the chair of the Democratic National Committee.

And thank god we did that.

There's a real possiblity that neither Obama nor Hillary will win enough delegates in their own right, that the "super delegates" won't get to decide the election. To avoid a vote-by-vote count of super delegates, one of the candidates needs to get just shy of 2/3 of the remaining delegates. That won't happen.

If no one wins enough delegates to render the super delegates meaningless (or so close to it), then the other one will see a path to the nomination on the floor of the convention.

Which, quite frankly, is a wet dream for John McCain.

Fortunately, we have Howard Dean throwing cold water on that sleeping candidate.

A vote at the floor of the convention could be disasterous for the party. Hillary would fight like hell to make Michigan and Florida count. The Obamaniacs would (rightfully) have a damn panic attack, reminiscent of a Republican seeing two women hold hands. African Americans will, rightfully, feel as though we are turning our backs on them. Women will feel, rightfully, that the good ol' boys club is closing her out. It would be a mess.

Howard Dean is right when he says we can't do that. And he won't let it happen. According to Howard Dean, he is going to let this process work itself out, all the way through the last vote being counted. (That's an odd concept for many Republicans) Then, if there is no clear winner, this simply cannot go to the convention.

In 2004, us Deaniacs wanted Howard Dean to be the brains behind a campaign to replace George Bush. We certainly didn't want to wait four years, but it appears as though we can now feel like we accomplished our goal.

If this looks like it will be a brokered convention, Howard Dean will, again, save our party.

Howard Dean will bring them together.

Howard Dean will sit them down.

And Howard Dean will make a deal.

And Democrats will change this country.

Here is Dean's exact quote.

"The idea that we can afford to have a big fight at the convention and then win the race in the next eight weeks, I think, is not a good scenario. So, after the primaries are over, the last primary is June 8th in Puerto Rico, there may be another state with there, and after that if we don't have a nominee, I think we will have a nominee sometime in the middle of March or April. But if we don't, then we're going to have to get the candidates together and make some kind of an arrangement. Because I don't think we can afford to have a brokered convention -- that would not be good news for either party."

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Republican Super Tuesday Updates

Romney? McCain? Huckabee? Will talk radio hatred prove powerless?

I'll use this post to update as results pour in, and comment my insight to see what it might mean for the rest of the night...and the election.

Huckabee wins West Virginia +18
McCain wins Illinois!
McCain wins New Jersey!
Romney wins Massachusetts
McCain wins Connecticut
Huckabee wins Alabama!
Huckabee wins Arkansas!
McCain wins Delaware!
McCain wins New York!
McCain wins Oklahoma!
Romney wins Utah!
McCain wins Arizona!
Romney wins North Dakota!
Romney wins Minnesota!
Huckabee wins Georgia!
Romney wins Colorado!
Huckabee wins Tennessee!
Romney wins Montana!
McCain wins California!
McCain wins Missouri!

Still unclear:
Alaska (no results)

I'm heading off to bed with Alaska still outstanding.

The story tomorrow:

Romney drops out
Huckabee is a real challenger.
Rush Limbaugh and his crazy friends are absolutely powerless. Regular Republicans voted the hate out of their politics. :)

Democratic Super Tuesday Updates

Here, I'll update and comment my insight as the results poor in. This Hillary/Obama race is going to be fun!

Obama wins Georgia!
Obama wins Illinois!
Hillary wins Oklahoma!
Hillary wins Tennessee!
Hillary wins American Samoa!
Hillary wins Arkansas!
Hillary wins Massachusetts!
Hillary wins New York!
Obama wins Delaware!
Hillary wins New Jersey
Obama wins Alabama!
Obama wins North Dakota!
Obama wins Utah!
Obama wins Kansas!
Obama wins Connecticut!
Obama wins Minnesota!
Obama wins Idaho!
Hillary wins Arizona!
Obama wins Colorado!
Hillary wins California!
Obama wins Missouri!
Obama wins Alaska!

Still unclear:
New Mexico(leaning Hillary)

Well, that's it. I'm heading off to bed with New Mexico still up in the air.

The story tomorrow:

Clinton takes the big states
Obama takes the majority of states
The delegate math is a tie.

Monday, February 4, 2008

On Tuesday, Vote *Against* Hateful Politics...

Super Tuesday has the ability to shape the future of both political parties. Our country has so many serious problems to deal with, and the new President will be charged with some of the most difficult tasks in a generation.

George Bush and friends have created quite a damn mess.

But, Washington has been in a state of paralysis. Politicians are terrified of crossing orthodox party lines. Just look what the Republicans did to Chuck Hagel, or what the Democrats did to Joe Leiberman.

In these primaries, each of us, no matter what party we will vote for, has a chance to help change this. It's time to take the vile hatred coming out of talk radio (and their Limbaugh-natic friends) - and isolate it. As a nation, we can come together and say that type of stuff will not stand.

Together, we can make Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Tammy Bruce, etc. (there's so many right-wing nuts out there!) look as crazy and radical as they should be.

If you are a Republican - I urge you to vote for John McCain, Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul. Anyone but Mitt Romney. This is not personal against Mitt Romney. Simply put, every vote against Mitt Romney shows how powerless and out-of-touch these fools are. As much as I would prefer to run against (and ultimately beat) Romney - please, vote for John McCain. If John McCain is the nominee, Rush, Hannity, Bruce, and all of those other fools will no longer have a voice on the national stage. And that's a good thing for America.

If you are a Democrat, I urge you to vote for Barack Obama. This is also not personal against Hillary Clinton. It's not her fault. However, Hillary Clinton at the top of our ticket is all the rabid followers of Limbaugh and friends would need to continue with the vicious attacks. With Barack Obama, Rush is going to look ridiculous with his "Barack The Magic Negro" talk. Even moderate Republicans won't stand for it. With Obama at the head of the ticket, all but the most radical right-wingers will be able to see that these people deserve no audience in America.

Obama vs. McCain - that is the absolute best race for our country.

Because the right-wing hate will be completely isolated. They'll have no power. That, my friends, is the *real* reason they are so terrified about John McCain.

Democrats - vote with your heart. I hope that's Obama, but either way - get out and vote. We're going to win this one.

Republicans - whoever you end up voting for, I hope you can finally become a respectful party, where the debate is on ideas, not a game of personal insults.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Something Is Happening In America...

It's a hope for change!

Obama is right. Something is happening in America.

Today, Maria Shriver shocked the California media and political establishment by endorsing Barack Obama. Even though her husband is the (kind of) Republican Governor who endorsed John McCain. While endorsements don't make people change their votes...

They do make people consider them. All day tomorrow, every California newspaper is going to have the headline that California's first lady joined Oprah and Caroline Kennedy in endorsing Barack Obama. Then, on Super Tuesday, most of the papers will continue to cover it, reporting on Arnold's reaction. That news coverage is coming as a huge portion of undecideds are trying to make up their mind. And Obama will be front and center.

While anything can happen, and nothing is a sure thing...I now believe that Barack Obama will win the most delegates tomorrow, and ultimately, win the nomination.

This is nothing against Hillary Clinton. It's not her fault. The right-wing hate-radio hosts were successful in linking Hillary to the politics of personal destruction, even though it is the creation of Rush Limbaugh, Tom Delay and Newt Gingrich.

Americans, of all stripes...Democrats, Independents, and even most Republicans want to move beyond that. The only section of our country wanting to lag behind in the politics we've seen the last twenty years are the talk-radio wing of the Republican party.

The Limbaugh-natics, with all of their vile are currently in a tizzy, because they know what's happening. Trying that crap against someone like Obama is going to make them look utterly foolish. Hell, even the Republican sheep they're used to bossing around are voting for McCain and Huckabee, proving that even most Republicans don't want that type of crap. In the end...the AM hatred is over. We're all moving beyond.

That's what is happening in America.


Yes We Can.

As a quick follow-up...just yesterday I posted that Democrats would say "Yes We Can" while Republicans were resorting to saying "No We Can't".

I never, ever, ever expected to be proven right, by the right, so quickly. I was shown this post by your typical "the sky is falling and George Bush is a liberal socialist" right-wing nut.

They really are a hateful, pessimistic group of people that are even losing their relevance in the Republican Party.

The march for change in this country continues on Tuesday.

And no matter what the Republicans try and say....




Saturday, February 2, 2008

Republicans Will Say "No We Can't"...But We Know...YES WE CAN!!!

In a few days, Americans in 22 states will decide between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. While the polls indicate Hillary is in the lead, I believe there is a moving momentum towards Barack Obama. It's entirely possible, with about a 50-50 likelihood that November will become Barack Obama versus McCain.

If that's the case, there will be two messages broadcast across the nation through November. Republicans, whose only hope to continue their precious Bush policies is to constantly tell us "No We Can't".

No we can't heal this nation from the bitter partisan divide of the last 25 years.

No we can't repair our standing in the world, by being *both* safer at home and respected abroad.

No we can't meet our obligations to each other, while refusing to saddle the next generation with trillions of dollars in Republican-War-Debt.

No we can't begin a movement that moves Washington beyond a 50-50 gridlock into a working majority of progress and change.

No we can't change the tone in this country that says "liberal" is a nasty word, while "conservative" is a badge of (false) honor.

No we can't.

The Republicans will tell us over and over, "No we can't." There are some challenges Americans can't rise to, they'll tell us. We'll hear we are not capable. Limbaugh will tell us we're not good enough to create the world as it should be.

On the other hand, there'll be one succinct message coming from Barack Obama's Democratic Party.


Enjoy the video.  And by all means...whether you've chosen Hillary or Obama...Paul, Romney, Huckabee or McCain/Kennedy...VOTE!!!

"In the unlikely story that is America, there is nothing false about hope."

Friday, February 1, 2008

Ann Coulter To Campaign For HIllary?!? It's a Republican Breakdown!

This is truly amazing. John McCain is about to win the Republican nomination. In a field that had people like Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, Fred Thompson, Ron Paul, Rudy 9iu11ani, Tommy Thompson, Jim Gilmore and Mitt Romney....Republicans, in all their infinite wisdom, are giving us the man they said in 2000 was not as good as George Bush.

And the right-wing-radio wing of the party is freaking out. He's not conservative enough. Apparently immigrants need to be reminded that they're children of a different god. Apparently you can only symbolically support the troops.

Which is why Ann Coulter, the woman who criticizes 9/11 victims, the woman who makes money calling Democrats "faggots", the quintessential Republican, actually, has announced on Hannity and Colmes that she will not vote for McCain. In fact, in a McCain/Hillary fight, she would vote for Hillary. AND campaign for her!

On Hannity and Colmes, Coulter makes the point that Hillary is more conservative than John McCain.

This election, on the Republican side, can not get any funnier.

The *funniest* part of this entire video is Alan Colmes. All of us liberals, in the middle of this entire conservative backlash to conservative voters get to do just what Alan Colmes is doing. Kick our feet up, and make a few jokes.

Republicans: watch this video in terror. Your party is falling apart, because, apparently, your voters don't know what they're doing. (Why is it wrong when I say it, but when Rush says it...)

Democrats: kick your feet up, and watch this great moment in Republican history!