Monday, February 11, 2008

"Hillbama"...Come Together, Right Now

This is an absolutely amazing video right now. This election is very important...our problems are huge. The Democrats cannot afford to fight a bitter, brutal fight at the convention, giving John McCain the third term for the Bush Administration.

We have two *great* candidates.

This fight is starting to get more hostile and bitter between the *supporters*. The longer this goes on, the harder it will be for the supporters of the losing candidate to back the nominee.

Howard Dean said: "The idea that we can afford to have a big fight at the convention and then win the race in the next eight weeks, I think, is not a good scenario." He continued, pointing out that if one of them didn't wrap up the nomination by the middle of spring, he would "get the candidates together and make some kind of an arrangement."

Why wait?!? Spread this video around, and send the message to Hillary and Obama...

Come together.

Right now.


pict said...

I am one of those americans who had hoped that the extreme abuses of the Bush administration would fuel american desire for a truly different and PROGRESSIVE american agenda.
Sadly, all the democratic candidates with truly progressive credentials have been eliminated. I do not know if this elimination is a result of american ignorance or media power or both. Though Obama leaves me with some hope that he may someday mature into a leader who can fight for progressive causes, he has not demonstrated that fight to date. And Hillary leaves me with practically NO HOPE.
Understand, I am not just a apolitical spoil sport. I contributed to four (not just one, but FOUR) separate democratic candidates and would have happily supported 3 others. I can reluctantly support Obama (based more on hope for what might be rather than an objective evaluation of what is). But I will not support Hillary - she is a Hawk and a corporatist. She has been bought and paid for. A hillary presidency will be largely more of the same.
I think that "democrats right or wrong" attitudes such as yours doom us to status quo politics.
Still, I will vote for Obama - unless Clinton is his runnig mate.

Amanda said...

Well wow tj that is a great video I wonder who made that HA HA! Anyways as you know i dont know much about politics I just know that I WILL NOT BE VOTING Republican again! that is for sure!

MateoForPresident said...

Awesome video! I've been trying to spread it around to everybody that I can. I actually created a discussion about it on a public forum. Everybody needs to see it because it's truly inspirational!