Friday, February 1, 2008

Ann Coulter To Campaign For HIllary?!? It's a Republican Breakdown!

This is truly amazing. John McCain is about to win the Republican nomination. In a field that had people like Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, Fred Thompson, Ron Paul, Rudy 9iu11ani, Tommy Thompson, Jim Gilmore and Mitt Romney....Republicans, in all their infinite wisdom, are giving us the man they said in 2000 was not as good as George Bush.

And the right-wing-radio wing of the party is freaking out. He's not conservative enough. Apparently immigrants need to be reminded that they're children of a different god. Apparently you can only symbolically support the troops.

Which is why Ann Coulter, the woman who criticizes 9/11 victims, the woman who makes money calling Democrats "faggots", the quintessential Republican, actually, has announced on Hannity and Colmes that she will not vote for McCain. In fact, in a McCain/Hillary fight, she would vote for Hillary. AND campaign for her!

On Hannity and Colmes, Coulter makes the point that Hillary is more conservative than John McCain.

This election, on the Republican side, can not get any funnier.

The *funniest* part of this entire video is Alan Colmes. All of us liberals, in the middle of this entire conservative backlash to conservative voters get to do just what Alan Colmes is doing. Kick our feet up, and make a few jokes.

Republicans: watch this video in terror. Your party is falling apart, because, apparently, your voters don't know what they're doing. (Why is it wrong when I say it, but when Rush says it...)

Democrats: kick your feet up, and watch this great moment in Republican history!


Anonymous said...

All I can say is WOW. I'm floored. I'm happy to see the Republican party split a little more. I hate Ann Coulter, but she is contributing further to the whole mess and I love it!

Anonymous said...

Remember when the storyline was that the Democrats were falling apart at the seams because we have a black candidate?

When Ann Coulter, of all people, is talking about *campaigning* for a Democrat...who is falling apart?