Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Democratic Super Tuesday Updates

Here, I'll update and comment my insight as the results poor in. This Hillary/Obama race is going to be fun!

Obama wins Georgia!
Obama wins Illinois!
Hillary wins Oklahoma!
Hillary wins Tennessee!
Hillary wins American Samoa!
Hillary wins Arkansas!
Hillary wins Massachusetts!
Hillary wins New York!
Obama wins Delaware!
Hillary wins New Jersey
Obama wins Alabama!
Obama wins North Dakota!
Obama wins Utah!
Obama wins Kansas!
Obama wins Connecticut!
Obama wins Minnesota!
Obama wins Idaho!
Hillary wins Arizona!
Obama wins Colorado!
Hillary wins California!
Obama wins Missouri!
Obama wins Alaska!

Still unclear:
New Mexico(leaning Hillary)

Well, that's it. I'm heading off to bed with New Mexico still up in the air.

The story tomorrow:

Clinton takes the big states
Obama takes the majority of states
The delegate math is a tie.


Hey Republicans said...

Georgia's results for Obama are *huge*. We don't yet know the percentage of victory...but we do know the exit polling data.

Obama won 86% of the black vote. Hillary only got 13%. That's not as bad as Republicans, but it's *drastic*.

More importantly, Obama was polling roughly equal among white voters...especially those under 60.

Again, it's early, and just one state...but if those percentages hold up, then Hillary Clinton may need to start raising money for her next Senate re-election.

Hey Republicans said...

Another interesting note:

For one solid hour, they're disecting the positive results for Obama in Georgia. Polls won't close anywhere else for another 28 minutes...and then coverage will be split more fairly. But right now, it's all Obama, Obama, Obama.

Hey Republicans said...

Someone at MSNBC suggested that Bill Clinton is going to get blamed for the fact that Hillary's percentage of the black vote looks more like George Bush's than a Clinton's.

That'll teach them for trying to take a page out of the Rove-Republican handbook.

Hey Republicans said...

Obama takes Illinois, Hillary takes Oklahoma.

Apparently, Oklahoma is no surprise to the media. I was quite surprised by it, though. Let's watch some of these recently closed states roll in.

Hey Republicans said...

Every vote is going to count, this time!!!

Each campaign is looking at every single congressional district, trying to figure out how to get one more delegate.

250,000,000 dollars in the Democratic primary, and everything hinges on each delegate!

Hey Republicans said...

Tennessee is split.

Clinton was up by 20 points recently.

That could be trouble for Hillary.

Alabama is too close to call. That could be trouble for Obama.

Hey Republicans said...

That was funny. 30 seconds later, they call Tennessee for Hillary. Rest easy on that one. :)

Hey Republicans said...

No surprise that Hillary takes Arkansas. She does get a bit of an advantage, having 27 home-states. :)

Hey Republicans said...

Hillary's actually doing very well in Tennessee. Right now, she's up by about 20. That huge. That doesn't look good for Obama.

Hey Republicans said...

With about a quarter of the vote in, Obama is leaning ahead in Connecticut and Delaware. That's just plain bad for Hillary. She should be stronger there. :)

Hey Republicans said...

Hillary won Massachusetts. Huge. That suggests that the endorsement of the Kennedy family was less influential in Mass than Obama hopes it will be among Latinos in California.

Hey Republicans said...

Finally! Obama was on a losing streak until they just called Delaware for him.

Hey Republicans said...

It *looks like* Obama is going to take Kansas, and Hillary is going to take New Jersey.

Hey Republicans said...

Hillary takes New Jersey, and delivers a rough blow to Obama.

Hey Republicans said...

MSNBC is now talking about what I said about Kennedy endorsement beyong more important outside of MA, as opposed to the Latino vote nationally (and in California).

They should put me on TV.

Hey Republicans said...

Fox News is saying that the fact that New Jersey and Massachussetts couldn't be called for Hillary immediately shows that they're closing things up. Interesting.

Hey Republicans said...

No news for awhile, but Howard Dean is on MSNBC. Today should be the victory of his re-election primary. :(

Hey Republicans said...

I still can't read this. I feel as though it's not good for Obama...but everyone keeps saying that his people are happy. I don't know why. But, who knows.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say you're doing a great job and making this much more entertaining. Also, you are SO RIGHT about Hillary's home STATES...if they say "home state" connected to her one more time LOL Is she from all 50 states??? Its hilarious!

Doesn't Dean look awful??? Like his color is wrong and he looks much older...what happened?

Ooh...polls just closed! Keep up the good work!

Hey Republicans said...

Thanks, Duke!

Dean is looking older. I suppose playing ref between Hillary and Obama must be stressful!

Hey Republicans said...

Obama is coming back from a 2-6 deficit. (Counting American Samoa)

Obama should do better in the west than he did in the east coast...but who knows how strongly that Latino vote will swing toward Hillary.

This is much better than the last Super Tuesday!

Hey Republicans said...

Obama has now won 7 states - Hillary has 6, plus American Samoa. Plus, things are looking good for him in CT and CO. (Hillary is looking strong in MO)

This is a fun, tight race!

Hey Republicans said...

Right now, the uncalled states are leaning this way:



No Clue:
New Mexico

Anonymous said...

Having the Kennedys', Kerry and Gov. Deval Patrick endorsing Barack Obama proved fruitless and probably hurt him. They aren't popular amongst regular dems and independents here.

Go Hillary!

~ a Massachusetts independent

Hey Republicans said...

Obama wins Minnesota. Yay for the Midwest! So far Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota all went for Obama.

And some of the Mid-west count as some of Hillary's home states!

Hey Republicans said...

Arizona is now leaning towards Hillary.

Hey Republicans said...

Things look bad for Hillary. However, if she wins in California, today will be a win for her. If Obama wins California, it's a win for him.

Let's see what Maria Shriver did!

Hey Republicans said...

*very* early California results look bad...but it's like, 0% so far.

Hillary just won Arizona!

Hey Republicans said...

Things are looking better for Obama in the last 20 minutes!

He won Colorado, closed the gap to just a few thousand votes in Missouri, and pulled ahead in Utah.

But the headlines are riding on California.

Hey Republicans said...


It's still 49-49...but this has been interesting.

MSNBC apparently called MO to Hillary (according to kos...I didn't actually see it)...but kos said politico and MSNBC jumped too soon.

It appears that Obama will pull this one out of Hillary's pocket at the last minute.

Hey Republicans said...

Wow. Hillary just won California...*HUGE*.

That is entirely unexpected, from my end. I did think Obama would pull ahead, slightly. But I never expected that Hillary would win so overwhelmingly. This is a huge boost to her campaign.

She's ahead by 22%...with only 15% reporting. We'll see if that closes up drastically as more results come in.

Hillary is coming out of Super Tuesday with the bigger half of good news.

Hey Republicans said...

Missouri Democrats are keeping us all awake in a nail-biter.

Who wins it *technically* doesn't matter, as they'll split the delegates. However - right now, Obama has 11 of 22 states. If he wins Alaska (likely), he'll be over the majority.

As I typed this, Obama won Missouri. He's now at over half the states.

Hey Republicans said...

Obama has now won 13 out of 22 states, with New Mexico still not reporting more than 1%.

This is why I suggested earlier that Hillary will get the better half of good news tomorrow. She will get the better headlines, due to winning California. However, no one will mention California without pointing out that Obama won 13 or 14 of the 22 states.

The trajectory for this race hasn't changed...and that's bad news for Hillary.

Hey Republicans said...

Holy f'n s!

Chuck Todd is saying his math shows the delegate divide could be about 837 to 841.

This was a tie.

Amanda said...

Ok Tj so what does it mean if they have a tie????

Hey Republicans said...

It means we have a mess on our hands, and "Super Delegates" get to decide. However, Howard Dean has said he won't let it come to that.

Amanda said...

OHHHHHH I see! It is a good thing i can always count on you for all my questions! LOL