Sunday, February 3, 2008

Something Is Happening In America...

It's a hope for change!

Obama is right. Something is happening in America.

Today, Maria Shriver shocked the California media and political establishment by endorsing Barack Obama. Even though her husband is the (kind of) Republican Governor who endorsed John McCain. While endorsements don't make people change their votes...

They do make people consider them. All day tomorrow, every California newspaper is going to have the headline that California's first lady joined Oprah and Caroline Kennedy in endorsing Barack Obama. Then, on Super Tuesday, most of the papers will continue to cover it, reporting on Arnold's reaction. That news coverage is coming as a huge portion of undecideds are trying to make up their mind. And Obama will be front and center.

While anything can happen, and nothing is a sure thing...I now believe that Barack Obama will win the most delegates tomorrow, and ultimately, win the nomination.

This is nothing against Hillary Clinton. It's not her fault. The right-wing hate-radio hosts were successful in linking Hillary to the politics of personal destruction, even though it is the creation of Rush Limbaugh, Tom Delay and Newt Gingrich.

Americans, of all stripes...Democrats, Independents, and even most Republicans want to move beyond that. The only section of our country wanting to lag behind in the politics we've seen the last twenty years are the talk-radio wing of the Republican party.

The Limbaugh-natics, with all of their vile are currently in a tizzy, because they know what's happening. Trying that crap against someone like Obama is going to make them look utterly foolish. Hell, even the Republican sheep they're used to bossing around are voting for McCain and Huckabee, proving that even most Republicans don't want that type of crap. In the end...the AM hatred is over. We're all moving beyond.

That's what is happening in America.


Yes We Can.

As a quick follow-up...just yesterday I posted that Democrats would say "Yes We Can" while Republicans were resorting to saying "No We Can't".

I never, ever, ever expected to be proven right, by the right, so quickly. I was shown this post by your typical "the sky is falling and George Bush is a liberal socialist" right-wing nut.

They really are a hateful, pessimistic group of people that are even losing their relevance in the Republican Party.

The march for change in this country continues on Tuesday.

And no matter what the Republicans try and say....





Ivan said...

Yup....Some of these fools are just way off the rocker. As far as Refuglican talking heads go, I typically prefer Tucker Carlson over the Limbaughs and O'Reillys IF (big if) I had to choose, but even he said some incredibly ridiculous BS about Bush a while back on Real Time with Bill Maher. He called Bush a "metropolitan liberal."


P.S. Keep it up on the blog man! (You need a jazzier layout though ;-D)

sweaters & soda pop said...

I think we should stop saying "Yes we can",

and start saying "Yes we will"

And then, in a year, we can say "Yes we did" while we help all of these conservabots pack so they can leave the country before it becomes to moral and decent for them to survive.

Amanda said...

Ok tj all I can say is keep up with these great blogs. Seeing i dont know much about politics. I will say I will not be voting republican this time around. You have showed me the really republican party and i dont want any part of it.

Anonymous said...

The Kennedys and Oprah are far overrated - just look at what happened in Massachusetts. And, Kerry and Deval Patrick jumped on the Obama-craze.

Hillary creamed Obama in Mass and she will cream him in Cali.

Go Hillary!