Monday, February 4, 2008

On Tuesday, Vote *Against* Hateful Politics...

Super Tuesday has the ability to shape the future of both political parties. Our country has so many serious problems to deal with, and the new President will be charged with some of the most difficult tasks in a generation.

George Bush and friends have created quite a damn mess.

But, Washington has been in a state of paralysis. Politicians are terrified of crossing orthodox party lines. Just look what the Republicans did to Chuck Hagel, or what the Democrats did to Joe Leiberman.

In these primaries, each of us, no matter what party we will vote for, has a chance to help change this. It's time to take the vile hatred coming out of talk radio (and their Limbaugh-natic friends) - and isolate it. As a nation, we can come together and say that type of stuff will not stand.

Together, we can make Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Tammy Bruce, etc. (there's so many right-wing nuts out there!) look as crazy and radical as they should be.

If you are a Republican - I urge you to vote for John McCain, Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul. Anyone but Mitt Romney. This is not personal against Mitt Romney. Simply put, every vote against Mitt Romney shows how powerless and out-of-touch these fools are. As much as I would prefer to run against (and ultimately beat) Romney - please, vote for John McCain. If John McCain is the nominee, Rush, Hannity, Bruce, and all of those other fools will no longer have a voice on the national stage. And that's a good thing for America.

If you are a Democrat, I urge you to vote for Barack Obama. This is also not personal against Hillary Clinton. It's not her fault. However, Hillary Clinton at the top of our ticket is all the rabid followers of Limbaugh and friends would need to continue with the vicious attacks. With Barack Obama, Rush is going to look ridiculous with his "Barack The Magic Negro" talk. Even moderate Republicans won't stand for it. With Obama at the head of the ticket, all but the most radical right-wingers will be able to see that these people deserve no audience in America.

Obama vs. McCain - that is the absolute best race for our country.

Because the right-wing hate will be completely isolated. They'll have no power. That, my friends, is the *real* reason they are so terrified about John McCain.

Democrats - vote with your heart. I hope that's Obama, but either way - get out and vote. We're going to win this one.

Republicans - whoever you end up voting for, I hope you can finally become a respectful party, where the debate is on ideas, not a game of personal insults.


Anonymous said...

As always, great post, and oh so true. The personal attacks have escalated to an unheard of level in recent years and it makes us look silly and petty as a country. I am still hoping for a Clinton win, but won't be unhappy with Obama. They are both such good candidates and it has been a great race.

Anonymous said...

I am a republican and respect what you have written. As I have said many times, my party has been hijacked by a small group of people with an agenda that is counter to the roots of what the GOP was built upon. Senators like Olympia Snowe reflect the level of intelligence and wisdom that is lacking and after Novemeber she may be all we have left that counts. Romney is a slick salesman, but underneath his polished veneer is someone who is not to be trusted and unworthy of my support. We need a change within my party if we ever hope to represent differing viewpoints in a manner that is based on representing the moderates within our ranks who have no where to go and who will never vote for a democrat...because thats the way some people are.

Good Blog!

Anonymous said...

Very well stated! I am a life time Democrat and have already cast my vote for Hillary. I do agree that she will have quite a fight ahead of her if she does win the nomination, but I believe you have to vote where your heart is, and my heart was with her. I will not be sad if Obama wins, I think he will be an excellent president. In fact, this is the first time in my history as a voter, that I wasn't completely sure how I was going to vote until the day of the election and that is a wonderful feeling!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen Hilary's record ?? Have you herd what she says ?? She states whatever view she is talking to even if it was counter to what she might just have said elsewere ! And for Obama have you read his blueprint for change ??
Of course there are a few things to agree to but do you really believe these are the issues and the things that need fixing ?????And if you have not read all 147 pages of his blueprint please take a look and see what your wonder person has planned for you ! If Obama becomes president I'll join the peace cor for him but only to get out of the country he's running