Saturday, February 9, 2008

This Is How A *RESPONSIBLE* News Organization Does It...

You may have heard some noise about MSNBC getting smacked around by the Clinton campaign. Hillary Clinton has called out MSNBC for showing a pattern of unbalanced commentary. Tucker repeatedly talks about crossing his legs when he sees Hillary. Chris Matthews says Hillary is only anything because her husband cheated on her. On and on and on.

Now, I'm not a Hillary supporter. And I love MSNBC. So don't think I'm playing Hillary's music for her.

Then, Thursday, David Shuster says that the Clinton campaign is pimping out their daughter.

Now, it's clear to everyone that David Shuster did not literally mean that they are selling their daughter for sex, in exchange for campaign contributions. No one (except maybe Limbaugh-natics) would hear that. But it was a poor comment, in poor taste. And there are connotations behind the word "pimping", which is why David picked those words.

MSNBC did the responsible thing, and publicly apologized, then suspended David Shuster. He's not fired, and he'll still have a job. But he did receive appropriate job action.

MSNBC also dropped Don Imus from their morning show, and replaced him with conservative Joe Scarborough.

Hey, Republicans....this is how a *responsible* news organization does it.

Maybe Fox could take notice.


Anonymous said...

I think it was stupid to suspend Shuster. He used a term that is now more often used to mean what it is....the campaign is using the daughter to do the business of the campaign. Shuster apologized...enough said. This is non-news compared to FOX's stupidity. the put the letter "D" next to McCain name and home state while he spoke at CPAC...they really are idiots at FOX. MSNBC has better guests and hosts anyway.

Anonymous said...

I agree about everything you said, except the idea that Shuster shouldn't be suspended.

Fire him? No.

But, whether you or I are personally offended by the phrase "pimped out" doesn't remove it's meaning.

I love Dave Shuster...he's a brilliant analyst. And he'll soon come back, making sure to choose his words a little more wisely. :)