Saturday, February 2, 2008

Republicans Will Say "No We Can't"...But We Know...YES WE CAN!!!

In a few days, Americans in 22 states will decide between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. While the polls indicate Hillary is in the lead, I believe there is a moving momentum towards Barack Obama. It's entirely possible, with about a 50-50 likelihood that November will become Barack Obama versus McCain.

If that's the case, there will be two messages broadcast across the nation through November. Republicans, whose only hope to continue their precious Bush policies is to constantly tell us "No We Can't".

No we can't heal this nation from the bitter partisan divide of the last 25 years.

No we can't repair our standing in the world, by being *both* safer at home and respected abroad.

No we can't meet our obligations to each other, while refusing to saddle the next generation with trillions of dollars in Republican-War-Debt.

No we can't begin a movement that moves Washington beyond a 50-50 gridlock into a working majority of progress and change.

No we can't change the tone in this country that says "liberal" is a nasty word, while "conservative" is a badge of (false) honor.

No we can't.

The Republicans will tell us over and over, "No we can't." There are some challenges Americans can't rise to, they'll tell us. We'll hear we are not capable. Limbaugh will tell us we're not good enough to create the world as it should be.

On the other hand, there'll be one succinct message coming from Barack Obama's Democratic Party.


Enjoy the video.  And by all means...whether you've chosen Hillary or Obama...Paul, Romney, Huckabee or McCain/Kennedy...VOTE!!!

"In the unlikely story that is America, there is nothing false about hope."

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