Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fox News FIRES Those Who Discuss Iraq war!!!

I've been following the fake news Fox puts out for a long time.  They have many, many things to be horribly embarassed about.  But this is, perhaps, the worst one I've seen.

You may remember that Fox News, like many, many Republicans, like to pretend that they support the troops by putting a little yellow ribbon in awkward places.  So, yesterday, Montell Williams was a guest on "Fox and Friends", which is a poor attempt at a comedy show.

They tried, immediately, to drag Montell into "weighing in" on the death of Heath Ledger.  You might remember Fox as the people who made jokes about Heath's death, and saying it was funny, because he once played a gay character, so he deserved to die.  

Montell immediately added some reality into the situation, and challenged Fox News (you remember...these are the chest-thumping, hyper-masculine war-lovers) as to why they don't pay attention to the troops that get killed in Iraq.

We all know, the real answer is that Fox News doesn't like to give coverage that isn't pro-Republican propaganda.

Anyway, here's the video where Montell shows exactly how small Fox News is being.

And what does Fox do?  They fire Montell Williams, whose talk show had been running for 17 years.

So, there's the message.  Speak the truth on Fox News, and you're sent packing.


Anonymous said...

Out of all the talk shows I have always believed that Montels show was more about truth and the facts pertaining to problems we face everyday. It saddens me to think that Fox would ignore the troops and what is going on in Iraq in order to save the republican party from looking like fools for their misdeeds concerning Iraq. It is not the REPUBLICANS that have given FOX the freedom of press it is the men and woman that have fought and died fighting for this country that give FOX and the media the right to report under the freedom of the press. But what if it is lies? What if they sugar coat things to suit their purpose? then we have a real problem. When the press bends over backward to kiss the butts of the republican party and our government and does not accuratly report or omits News for that purpose then they are nothing but a tool for a corrupt government. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but we are losing our rights on a daily basis. With a president and government such as it is and News networks that do not tell the NEWs that is most important in Americans minds proves just one thing to me. People in power will remain in power as long as we let them and that we do not live in a democracy but under a dictatorship. We think it is bad now wait and do nothing and it will get much worse. I say bring our troops home and send the governments sons and daughters over there for awhile and lets see what kind of coverage it will then get. I can see the headlines now ( Bush Twins day in Iraq) One part overindulgence, One part alcohol arm twins with machine guns and other ammo who do you think would win then? My bet is on Iraq. Bottom line these men and woman are doing a job asked of them by their president. (not their country because most of this country disagree with what is going on there)They should be prayed for and honored everday for the sacrifices they make for each and everyone of us. When one loses their life it should be plastered all over the new and the story should be told. No more bull just facts.

Amanda said...

WOW I cant believe that IT is sad that he brings up the troops and bam he is fired that is such crap!

Hey Republicans said...

Only at Fox News!

Anonymous said...

Fox is the Devil's primary propaganda machine.

Look at Bill O'.

He has such emotional loyalty, that he would not know truth, if Truth bit him on the hinny.

When men are silenced for their expressions, the silencer has much to hide, as evil deeds are only performed in darkness.

Satan was granted night vision, therefore, he does his best work in the darkness of a man's soul.

Therefore, beware, let us reside in the Light of a dead and darkened world.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Montell wasn't just telling the truth...he stood up for something. He just became a hero in my book because he put ethics above personal interest. AND fox firing him is their loss honestly... they've lost someone with character and known credibility... who will EASILY be able to find another job that pays him more. Look at Montell's endorsements and his show it's always been of substance and been about helping people. I hope he hits every talk show to further exploit the tyranny of fox news!